Maryum booti ( a plant that help with pregnancy)

The Flower of Maryam (Anastatica hierochuntica) is a small shrub collected across North Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran's most popular use is application for the child birth ..... traditional midwives have used the Flower of Maryam with their laboring mothers for hundreds of years . Maryam Booti has been used when pregnant women are in labour. A piece is taken, placed in water and then booti expands.
Religious significance A quick glance at its names (below) suggests its religious significance: it is referred to as the “leaf of Maryam” (mother of Jesus), the “hand of Fatima” (daughter of the Prophet ﷺ), as well as simply “daughter of the Prophet ﷺ,” and “resurrection plant.” It is referenced in the Bible in II Kings 19:34-36 and in Psalms 83:13, “make them like tumbleweed,” here referring to the dried twiggy balls of Anastatica that disperse in the wind, scattering its seeds.
It also contains a number of elements useful for pregnancy and labor, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and iron; in particular, calcium and magnesium work together to coordinate and regulate smooth muscle contractions.

I saw the Flower of Maryam at Uhud, and purchased in my visit to Saudi Arabia. If you ask an older woman who is adept at using it. There are plenty of stories about the Flower of Maryam .
Medicinal preparation
, it is reconstituted in water and taken internally for colds, as an emmenagogue (to bring on menstruation), for epilepsy, uterine hemorrhage, and to bring pain relief and support for childbirth. In some places, it is burned as an incense during labor, made into a powder mixed with olive oil and honey and applied to pregnant women. used in Europe Christmas celebrations. in Malaysia, it is commonly used for childbirth
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