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Sacred Smoke Oud

Sacred smoke Oud : This is sacred chant recited and programmed Oud for igniting sacred smoke which cause the jinn and negative spirits feel suffocated and get severe headaches .As a result they will be very reluctant to enter the house . This creates an invisible force shield around the person who is smoked or the area till where the smoke reach in the house so whenever evil or jinn approaches they will be faced with this invisible wall which they cannot pass .

Method to use : If the person is getting smoked , add half teaspoon of oud on charcoal chip and cover the person with sheet ( sometimes the possessed person don't want tp get smoked ,so someone can sit inside the sheet with him to hold him ) .this should be done daily for 40 days and if the house is smoked .before smoking open the doors and windows ,stand in the middle of the house and warn saying “ i am smudging my house with sacred smoke ,we don't have intention to harm anyone .so with the will of higher supreme -( whichever deity you prefer )please leave the house . now start smoking .start from left hand side of the main entrance moving towards your left and continue moving to all rooms around the house and end up on the right hand side of main entrance .toilets should be avoided as sacred chant have been recited which will be disrespect .

Benefits : - Sacred smoke is the key of developing connection to the divine ,creates spiritual atmosphere. - Smokes have there own energies ,cleanse your body ,mind ,spirit and space of negative energy and also invites good fortune . - Relieves depression and shifts your mindset to positive one

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