Sacred cleansing using smudge

smudging is burning sage herbs to get rid of negative energy on yourself .your home or any space .smudging can be useful when your feeling depressed ,angry ,resentful ,unwell or after you have an argument with someone or you have felt a negative presence in your home or you feel there are unwanted spirits and if you or other members of your household are feeling poorly for any unexplained reason. This can include any mental, physical or emotional upset. This is most notable if a change occurs following a move into a new home or office

Smudging yourself :
When you want to remove the negative energy and purifies yourself , you need to honor the four zones and mother earth ,First thanks the four direction by beginning in the east , then south ,west and north in clockwise direction . Then hold the smoke very near to mother earth to pay honor and up above to honor father sky ,next allow the smoke to to drift over your face and head continue to allow the smoke to cleanse your entire body .visualize the smoke is purifying you and removing any negative energy .
To smudge others you can use your hand or feather to direct the smoke towards them . Let them stand straight .Go down the front of the body and then repeat down the back of the body .
To smudge your house go clockwise , you can ask someone to accompany you to ring bells while you walk around, to add to the process. It would be good to say names of people who reside in your family and seek protection for them from the evil eye. Sage is a very powerful plant. A little smoke is enough to serve the purpose. However, pay attention to the busy areas of the house―kitchen, hallway, workstations, washrooms, and the like. Also, pay special heed to the doorways, windows, mirrors, corners, and ceilings of the you smudge keep the thoughts on the process visualizing negative energies going away and the room becomes purified and filled with love .when your finished thank mother earth .

How to use :
1-Light the smudge stick : when ignited blow the smoke out . The bundle will smoke releasing the fragrance purifying smoke .Hold the bundle with your dominant hand and hold the bowl under the smudge stick with other hand

2-If you're using loose herbs . Once they caught fire ,gently extinguish . The smoke will start .
3- You must be fully present when smudging Be focused by doing so you will know which areas on a person needs more smoke ,follow your intent , smudging is done in a meditative state slowly with focus .whatever words you use at time of smudging have the power of mantra ,keep them simple
Example - negativity be gone !
If there is negative energy present please leave .at the same time visualize the space vibrant with positive energy .
Smudging home :

Smudge each room starting from the east and working clockwise around the perimeter of the room . smudge any individual objects that need it, then stand in center of the room and allow the smoke to drift .As you smudge keep your thoughts on process visualizing negative energies dissipating and the room becoming purified and filled with love .
When you finished thank Mother earth .
Throw Away the Remaining Ashes
It is suggested to throw the remains of the procedure outside the house; either put them on earth, or release them in flowing water. Do not keep the ashes within the house, after everything has burned completely in the earthen pot where you placed the sage stick.
Burn Incense Afterwards (Optional)
If you believe in the concept of yin and yang (feminine and masculine) balance that keeps our lives balanced, then it would be nice to burn incense as soon as you're done with the sage burning. This is because sage is believed to have a masculine effect, which gets perfectly balanced with the incense burning that has a feminine effect. Also, some people find the smell of sage to be very strong, so incense burning neutralizes that effect as well.
Most people also believe in burning sage for good luck, especially during events such as weddings, traveling, interviews, and the like. No matter what the reason is, it is a routine practice among trusters to cleanse their homes (and themselves) within regular intervals, to keep the evil away. Though there are many ways to do so, burning sage to clear negative energy is by far the most trusted method, and is in prevalence since the time of ancient Native Americans. So, the next time you feel that eerie feeling of bad vibes around, make sure to try this method and reap the benefits of burning sage leaves
love and light