Ascension energy shift after 9-9-9

This September after 9-9-9 energies are really high ,many of us are not used to its power ,intensity and speed ,many are going throw emotional turmoil and over thinking . We are left completely confused ,sick and tired as every thing is moving so fast .We feel all that we have left behind are presented again . Many of us are annoyed ,frustrated and tired ,very tired , tired with the ascension process . This transformation started with lots of anger and feelings of completely loss and loneliness ( loneliness because many few people match your frequency ) which needs to be released . This are out come of mass confusion and anger of collective . Angry frustrated and tired to such an extend where we cannot think one single thought and all we want to do is sleep . Frustrated to the point where we are to say " I DON,T CARE WHAT HAPPEN NOW "
YES !!!! this is the point where universe wants you to be completely surrender and letting go all attachments , every state of you is in the state of rebuild It is like rising from the ashes ...... the old you ,and every thing unauthentic , false believe , patterns which no longer makes sense , even relation ship which don,t aligned in our frequencies and no longer serve the purpose of life is being burned away now .As the vibration of the earth is ascending ,A huge number of people are awaking , realizing the change and not willing to be the part of old matrix game of being controlled , There is a erge to merge with the soul and realization that there is more to life , their yearning for true love is so strong that they cannot be suppressed longer and this make them uncomfortable and angry as they are yet to find the way to free them self and cope up .the energies are like scream and cry !
It want you to release all this anger in a constructive way choosing love ,gratitude and compaction .
All that are being bus not required by new earth are being burned away .
example : fear of not having enough - burnt , Fear of death ,fear of being unloved not accepted - burnt ........
All that is not required comes to the surface to be burnt so that a completely new way of living is discovered , i encourage every one to only take what resonates to find our own truth and wisdom .This is because of the intense energies entered earth plane, its actually helping us to release old stuff n patterns...Dont worry n do not afraid, breath in peace, love n calmness n breath out love, peace n calmness... Do deep breathing, align all your bodies and be in ur space fully aware, let is happen what ever is happening n support d entire process... Just immediately cut d cords with each other with people, family n with all situations.Ground yourself thoroughly n seal your auras n chakras ...Divine Love n Light.