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why aura should be cleaned

As i do energy work i found that aura -hygiene is an essential part in daily life and it is often overlooked by people .Have you ever considered how would you feel stepping out without brushing your teeth ,combing our hair or taking bath . Imagine the grima that accumulate over time ,how dirty and heavy feeling .

Considering its importance i have dedicated many hours of time to research and develop this product . It is tried and tested and is highly cleared ,cleansed and protected .effective .

The aura is energy field of our body and if your aura is riddled by imperfection your energies will be dense and manifestations of desire is hard . The barriers present in the aura in the cluttered aura will certainly prevent you from achieving happiness and the success you deserve .

AURA CLEANSER is highly effective recipe to erase negativities in and around you on many energy levels. This spray is created to neutralise clean the energy field where it is sprayed by encouraging energetic response from multi-levels of consciousness ,clearing negative treat ,psychic( jinn possession ,evil eye ,negative intentions send ) or otherwise ,it also heals damage electromagnetic field ( aura that have holes ) resultant with destructive lower frequencies .( cell phones ,computers ,etc) assists in healing ,preventing serious imbalances . A clean aura, encumbered by imperfections ,will allow the good things to enter your life .

benefits :

1- helps in clearing away all unaffirmative thoughts and feelings experienced throughout our daily lives .

2- Creatrotective shield you from other undesirable intention and energies ( black magick etc).

3- Helps maintain your energy and keep your mind and body clear.

4-This spray is 100%es p natural and alcohol free

to order

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