Relationship & Situation Healing
It is said Only a healthy bud can blossom. In the same way, only healthy being can succeed.
So What’s Life ? life is relating. With enlightened awareness and the purifying light-fire energy one can move into relationships as a Ray of Light, rather than as a "mere mortal". As we purify our intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship lines, we find increasing harmony and rewards in all inner and outer relationships and sistuations.
Most people spend their lives looking for or waiting for that special someone with whom to share their life. Unfortunately, that's usually about as unsuccessful as seeking happiness. Happiness comes as a by-product of fulfilling a need. If you seek happiness, you will seldom find it, because seeking it drives it away. The same is true with finding a soul mate.

It sounds trite, but it is true: when we are ready, he or she will find us. Once we do connect with someone deeply, the work on ourselves and on relationships continues.
One of the grand illusions about relationships is that they ought to be perfect. We all know the fairy tale, idealized imagery in our culture about riding off into the sunset with the perfect, one true love.
When one "falls in love" it seems for a while that the relationship is perfect. Naturally, however, relationships change and evolve. That is why a relationship is never truly "finished"
Whenever we THINK of someone, we are engaging in a moment of relating with that person, whether in love or hate, joy or grief, wisdom or fear, goodwill or anger. Thoughts are things, and thinking of someone puts us in direct contact with them in consciousness.
Being aware of this interconnectedness through thought with anyone we think of, we can work in consciousness on problems in communication and in relating. We may not be able to change someone else's attitudes and behavior, but we can change how we react to them. In fact, with enlightened awareness you can move into that in you which corresponds to whatever in another person you find annoying, and change how you relate to that aspect of yourself. By accepting with love and light, rather than rejecting and hating that aspect of yourself, you transform how you relate to the other person on many levels of consciousness. Often that will have a transforming effect on the other person as well.
Using inner light, fire, energy, we refine and purify your relationships and sistuations even when physically separated. As Beings of Light, we are actually never separated. Here is a simple, practical technique for working on healing relationships using inner light, fire, energy.
Shaina is one of the Best relationship & situation healer in Hyderabad, India. With loads of experience and cliental throughout the world. At Shaina the Mystique we begin by gathering and enlightening your knowing, emotional, and sensory awareness and let the energy downpour throughout your body.
Shaina can help u improve your a relationship and situations . It could be anyone from a close, intimate loved one to a casual acquaintance.
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