Nawagraha Healing
Every aspect of human life is affected by 9 planets. These 9 planets of great significance are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. In reality, Out of these nine Sun, Moon, Rahu and Ketu are not planets.

Many times, unfavorable positioning of this planets cause problems and stagnation in our lives.An ill placement of any of these planets in ones horoscope can cause diseases or other negative effects in that person’s life.The Navagrahas needs to be propitiated in order to have a good life.
The position of various planets in your birth-chart,their exaltation, dignity, combustion, shadbala, etc
decides which planet is to be strengthened and the vibrations of which are to be controlled.
Navagraha Healing is a simple, yet powerful healing tools
Shaina is one of the the best Navagraha Healer in Hyderabad, India. She and her team at Shaina The Mystique works closely with clients to heal they clients. With Navagraha Healing, Shaina can pacify the malefic effects of the concerned planets. Navagraha Healing creates positive vibrations and influences the related planets to give favorable results.
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