Libra Zodiac Crystal Kit
INR 999 Free Shipping
The Libra crystals bring your dreams to fruition and infuse your life with light and joy. They align your mind, body and spirit to restore your body’s equilibrium and balance. Your power stone, Lapis Lazuli brings wisdom and balance.

Our Libra Crystals include 5 stones, one Lapis Lazuli stone, one Labradorite stone, one Citrine stone and two Quartz Crystal stones. and manual which describes all the secret of using your birthstone ,setting intention ,cleansing and programming your power stone
To figure out which crystals are your Zodiac crystals, just look for your birthday in the table below.
ARIES (21 Mar-19 Apr)
TAURUS (20 Apr- 20 May)
GEMINI (21 May- 20 June)
CANCER (21 June-22 July)
LEO (23 July- 22 August)
VIRGO (23 Aug – 22 Sep)
LIBRA ( 23 Sep- 22 Oct)
SCORPIO (23 Oct – 21 Nov)
SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov – 21 Dec)
CAPRICORN (22 Dec – 19 Jan)
AQUARIUS (20 Jan- 18 Feb)
PISCES ( 19 Feb- 19 March)
Sapphire, Malachite, Jade, Dioptase, Amber
Agate, Chalcedony, Stibnite, Red Fire Quartz, Harleguin Quartz
Emerald, Moonstone, Citrine, Silver
Onyx, Gold, Zircon
Carnelian, Chrysoberyl, Aventurine
Peridot, Jade, Aventurine, Tourmaline
Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite
Ruby, Hamatite, Onyx, Jet, Obsidian
Garnet, Silver
Amethyst, Suqelite, Fluorite, Chrome Diopside
Due to nature of the stone , They ill vary slightly in color ,shape,size, and patterns