Energy Healer and Life Coach
At Shaina The Mystique we combines personal life coaching with energy healing techniques for increased energy, health and performance.
The Energy of Transformation
When you begin a challenge, whether sailing single-handed around the world, or simply while getting out of bed in the morning, you will need motivation to reach your goal. You might know exactly what it is you want and what you need to do to achieve it, but as soon as the challenge peaks and you begin to struggle, that sense of determination can start to waver. Unfortunately, without the motivation to get started and keep going, you are unlikely to ever achieve your goals.Beyond motivation Energy Life Coaching creates inner transformation, clearing old patterns, and dissolving personal blocks.
Manifest your Intentions
Motivational Coaching is a powerful tool for people making important changes in life and a coach gives people the confidence and ability to move forward in a positive manner.Consider a relationship that is uncompromising when you need encouragement and support, together forming a partnership or alliance which is to support and encourage you during periods of change in your life or in setting and achieving your goals, realizing ambitions and turning dreams into reality. An alliance which is flexible and fluid and driven by you. The aim is to give you the very best opportunity to move forward with balance and fulfillment.
What's special about Energy Life Coaching and Healing?
At ShainaTheMystique we work with people to heal and overcome a variety of issues and challenges face by them in day to day life such as Managing Stress, Healing Pain and Health Concerns, Reducing Anxiety, Building Self-Confidence, Creating Positive Life Changes, Accessing Higher Consciousness, Moving Forward on your Spiritual Path, Learning to Meditate, and a whole lot more.
If you ever wish that there was someone behind you, supporting you, guiding you and encouraging you to keep going, then hiring a life coach is the answer.

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