Chakra Pyramid Quartz Penduluam
INR 1500 Free Shipping
This unique and powerful pendulum made of raw rose quartz is great way to help get clarity by connecting to your higher self/subconscious for answers to your questions. Using a pendulum is a form of 'kinesiology'.

In order to connect to your own guidance it is very important that you be grounded first. Imagine a cord going down to the centre of the earth through your feet and/or base chakras. This will connect your energy field to the earth and pull in your soul and higher self for guidance.
In a quiet space ground yourself first and then place the pendulum, holding it about half way down the string, above your palm. Now ask the pendulum to give you a movement for ‘yes’ and then do the same for a ‘no’. Once you have established your ‘yes’ and ‘no’, ask some obvious questions to which you know the answers and then ask questions you would like clarity on.
Rose quartz is the quintessential crystal of love, loving oneself and the love that creates the inter connectedness with all living things. It activates the heart chakra, allows emotional healing, it is calming and emanates gentleness.