Aquarius Zodiac Crystal Kit
INR 999 Free Shipping
Your Aquarius crystals are a major power source. Wearing your Aquarius birthstone, or having these crystals in your environment, will prove to bring you many blessings. For your astrology sign, the most powerful crystals for Aquarius are Amethyst (your power stone), Yellow Jasper, Quartz Crystal, Rhodonite and Black Onyx.
The Aquarius crystals counteract the forces of darkness to bring spirits of light out of you. They bring a gentle, calming energy, which is excellent for reducing stress and any negative thoughts. They also help to transform your mindset, bringing you out of thinking negatively and feeling defeated. Your power stone, Amethyst, serves as a constant source of focus, working to enhance your intuition and personal power.

Our Aquarius Crystals include 5 stones, 1 Amethyst, 1 Yellow Jasper, 1 Quartz Crystal, 1 Rhodonite and 1 Black Onyx and manual which describes all the secr
To figure out which crystals are your Zodiac crystals, just look for your birthday in the table below.
ARIES (21 Mar-19 Apr)
TAURUS (20 Apr- 20 May)
GEMINI (21 May- 20 June)
CANCER (21 June-22 July)
LEO (23 July- 22 August)
VIRGO (23 Aug – 22 Sep)
LIBRA ( 23 Sep- 22 Oct)
SCORPIO (23 Oct – 21 Nov)
SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov – 21 Dec)
CAPRICORN (22 Dec – 19 Jan)
AQUARIUS (20 Jan- 18 Feb)
PISCES ( 19 Feb- 19 March)
Sapphire, Malachite, Jade, Dioptase, Amber
Agate, Chalcedony, Stibnite, Red Fire Quartz, Harleguin Quartz
Emerald, Moonstone, Citrine, Silver
Onyx, Gold, Zircon
Carnelian, Chrysoberyl, Aventurine
Peridot, Jade, Aventurine, Tourmaline
Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite
Ruby, Hamatite, Onyx, Jet, Obsidian
Garnet, Silver
Amethyst, Suqelite, Fluorite, Chrome Diopside